Combining Web Design with Original Art
When you are writing HTML, it is advised that you quickly develop an organised approach. You will be surprised how long an HTML document can become, therefore if you do not keep your HTML code cleam and organised, you can easily become lost in it. The examples below follow one such organised approach. You can also write notes in your HTML document that will not appear on the web page. This is done as follows:
<!-- Write your notes between these symbols --> |
Text can be emphasised by bold, italics, underlined, or a combination of these. Again, you do this using tags, not forgetting the all important end tags. For bold text use <b> and </b>, for text in italics use <i> and </i> and for underlined text use <u> and </u>. The word or words that you want emphasised must be between these tags. Add the red text below to your work and, again, save then refresh.
To create a paragraph of text the <p> and </p> tags are used. At this stage no font styles have been applied. Therefore if you are using Internet Explorer the default font is Times New Roman, whereas the Firefox default font is Arial.
Text can be emphasised by bold, italics, underlined, or a combination of these. Again, you do this using tags, not forgetting the all important end tags. For bold text use <b> and </b>, for text in italics use <i> and </i> and for underlined text use <u> and </u>. The word or words that you want emphasised must be between these tags. Add the red text below to your work and, again, save then refresh.
<html> <body> <h1>My First Web Page</h1> <p>I am going to build my first website using HTML.</p> <p>The content of my website is expanding and the I am learning how to make a word <b>bold</b> or emphasise it in <i>italics</i>. I could use <b><i>bold and italics</i></b></p> </body> </html> |
Your web page should now look like this Example
.Here is an important issue for writing HTML work. Look at the order of the code to describe bold and italics. The Bold Start Tag is before the Italic Start Tag, whereas the Bold End Tag is after the Italic End Tag. If these are in the wrong order, it will not work.
You are now in a position to choose a font that will look the same across the browsers. You can also choose font colours and sizes! There are a number of ways of achieving this but for now we will use the in-line method using the style code.
<html> <body> <h1>My First Web Page</h1> <p style="color: blue; font-family: verdana, garamond; font-size:14px">I am going to build my first website using HTML.</p> <p>The content of my website is expanding and the I am learning how to make a word <b>bold</b> or emphasise it in <i>italics</i>. I could use <b><i>bold and italics</i></b></p> </body> </html> |
Your web page should now look like this Example.
Note that only the first line of text has changed colour and font. This is typical of using the in-line method of styling. For consistency throughout the page each paragraph would need the same in-line style code being added to the <p> tag. This method can be cumbersome and an easier method is to use Cascading Style Sheets, which will be covered seperately. Against the font-family note that in this case there are two fonts chosen. The browser will display the first compatible font in this list.
Font sizes can be defined in 4 different ways: by pixels, by percentage or by 'em'. Nowadays websites should be cater for Accessibility, therefore it is recommended that either the percentage or the em method is used to size your fonts.
In the exmple above you will see that each line of text uses the <p> tags. This defines your website content in paragraphs. Should your need to insert more vertical whitespace between paragraphs, use the <br /> tag.
Keep your work organised and follow a common methodology throughout.
Write notes in your code to remind yourself of where things are.
Use small letters throughout your HTML code.
Save your webpages using the .html file extension.
Refresh your browser to see the changes that you have made.
Ensure HTML tags are in the correct order.
Ensure HTML code is written in US English.
The front page of a website should be saved as 'index.html'.
Use percentage or the em method to define font sizes.
Use <br /> tags to create vertical whitespace.
<a> |
Anchor Tag for creating links. |
<b> |
Bold tag. |
<br /> |
Break tag. |
<body> |
Designates the body of the web page. Must come after the </html> tag. |
<h1> |
Heading tag number from 1 to 6, with h1 having the largest font. |
<html> |
Designates the document as a web page. |
<i> |
Italics tag. |
<p> |
Paragraph tag. |
style= |
Used within the <p> tag to define font type, colour and size. |
<u> |
Underline tag. |